So what happens if we just put the very same code, as is, into the macro?
%global letterObs;
%let letterObs = %verifyInteger
proc format;
/* create a format that maps the value
of sex to daughter/son
value $gender 'F' = 'daughter'
'M' = 'son'
data _null_;
/* read one observation and create macro variables.
note the use of the vvalue function to cause
the formatted values to be used.
set sashelp.class(firstobs=&letterObs obs=&letterObs);
/* associate the desired formats with sex and age */
format sex $gender. age words12.;
call symputx('Name',vvalue(Name));
call symputx('Sex',vvalue(Sex));
call symputx('Age',vvalue(Age));
call symputx('Height',vvalue(Height));
call symputx('Weight',vvalue(Weight));
You can see the results using either of the following links:
- Using the Stored Process Server:
- Using the SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher:
- The /* . . . */ comments were not included in the output. That is because those comments were eaten by the SAS Wordscanner. Note there is an option to cause those to be passed along. But that is a topic for later.
- The %let statement and the verifyInteger macro call were also not included in the output. And that is because they were actually processed and executed by the macro facility.
- None of the macro variables resolved correctly (because the code to create them was never executed).
- DOSUB takes a single argument which is the fileref that points to the desired code.
- DOSUBL also has a single argument which is the line (or lines) of code to be run, including macro calls.
- And both of these can be run using the %SYSFUNC macro function.
- Using the Stored Process Server:
- Using the SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher:
%global letterObs;
%let letterObs = %verifyInteger
%let rc = %sysfunc(dosubl(
proc format;
/* create a format that maps the value
of sex to daughter/son
value $gender 'F' = 'daughter'
'M' = 'son'
data _null_;
/* read one observation and create macro variables.
note the use of the vvalue function to cause
the formatted values to be used.
set sashelp.class(firstobs=&letterObs obs=&letterObs);
/* associate the desired formats with sex and age */
format sex $gender. age words12.;
call symputx('Name',vvalue(Name));
call symputx('Sex',vvalue(Sex));
call symputx('Age',vvalue(Age));
call symputx('Height',vvalue(Height));
call symputx('Weight',vvalue(Weight));
<b>Dear Parents:
<p>As &name's teacher I wanted to make you
aware of a project we are doing this year.
<p>Every month we will be collecting your &age
year old &sex's height and weight and recording
it. At year end, &name will be asked to produce
a chart of their growth over the school year.
<p>For your information, here are the
measurements that we just collected:
<ul><li><b>Height:</b> &height inches.
<li><b>Weight:</b> &weight pounds.
<p>Please don't hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions,
&name's teacher
The body of the actual HTML file is unchanged. All that we had to do was add the SAS code using DOSUB/DOSUBL.
The facility to run SAS code inside of a SAS Server Page is one of the features about PROC STREAM that I like a LOT. And future blog posts will show even more things that you can do with.
And next up: creating a simple UI to allow the user to select which observation to generate the letter for.
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