- There is no 32K limit on the text produced by a single input line in a SAS Server Page.
- A much broader range of SAS statements can now be used, including macro definitions and %include statements.
- SAS code can be embedded and executed from within a SAS Server Page.
- The %sysfunc macro can invoke the SCL functions that access data.
- and more
- HTML Reports and UIs.
- Word documents (as RTF files).
- XML documents
- XAML/Silverlight documents
If you have SAS 9.3, please feel free to try out the following example that just scratches the surface of what this powerful new procedure can do.
filename sspout '\PROC_STREAM_says_hello.html';
proc stream outfile=sspout sqac dqac;
%macro checkTOD;
%local timeOfDay;
%let timeOfDay = %sysfunc(time());
%if &timeOfDay le 43200 %then Morning;
%else %if &timeOfDay le 64800 %then Afternoon;
%else %if &timeOfDay le 72000 %then Evening;
%else Night;
%mend checkTOD;
<h1>Good %checkTOD &sysuserid..</h1>
<h2> This welcome note generated
at %sysfunc(time(),timeampm8.)
on %sysfunc(date(),worddate.).</h2>
This HTML file was produced and customized
courtesy of PROC STREAM using
SAS Release &sysver on &sysscp..;
dm "wbrowse '\PROC_STREAM_says_hello.html'";